39th Annual Connect & Collect
Art Auction and Exhibition
September 28 – October 26, 2019
Silent Auction Exhibition
September 28 – October 12
Live Auction Exhibition
October 6 – 26
In its 39th year, the Connect & Collect Art Auction and Exhibition remains one of the most anticipated art events in the Bay Area, featuring more than 200 pieces by local, national and international artists. Whether you’ve never owned an original artwork or you’re a serious collector, Connect & Collect features work accessible to every collector.
Want two FREE tickets to this year’s Connect & Collect events? Become a member at the $250 Collectors level and enjoy 2 complimentary tickets, special access, invitations to exclusive events, and more. To become a member call 408-283-8155 or sign up here.
Sunday, October 6, 1pm – 4pm
Free and open to the public!
Meet the artists and bid on work in the Silent Auction exhibition!
Sunday, October 6, 11am-1pm
*Open to auction ticket holders only.
First chance to view, bid or “BUY IT NOW” on silent auction works!
Champagne and brunch bites will be served!
Saturday, October 12, 5pm – 8pm
Free and open to the public!
Need to purchase a bidder number to bid.
Saturday, October 26
Doors open at 5pm. Auction begins at 6pm.
Admission to ticket holders only.
Reserve a tour of the auction exhibitions by calling 408-283-8155. This is a great way to gain insight to the artwork on view! Tours will be available starting September 28, Tuesday-Friday, 10am-5pm, by special request.

About the Auction events:
The Live Auction Party, one of the Bay Area’s most anticipated cultural events of the year, will be held on Saturday, October 26. Doors open at 5pm and the auction begins promptly at 6pm. Complimentary champagne, wine, beer from Umunhum Brewing, heavy hors d’oeuvres from Tony Caters, and desserts will be served. Admission to the Live Auction – always a sellout event — is reserved for ticket holders. Tickets are $125 in advance and $150 at the door. ICA members at the $250 level and above receive 2 complimentary tickets to both the Silent Auction and Live Auction events.
List of participating artists: Mark Adams, Tracey Adams, Pilar Agüero-Esparza, David Kimball Anderson, Gale Antokal, Kathy Aoki, Kathryn Arnold, Attaboy, John Baeder, Jamie Banes, Tessie Barrera-Scharaga, Helen Bellaver, Suhas Bhujbal, Libby Black, Jesper Blåder, Holly Blake, Jaap Bongers, Andrea Borsuk, Pegan Brooke, Thai Bui, Natalya Burd, Michael Buscemi, Mimi Cahalan, Cynthia Cao, Chandra Cerrito, Kit Colman, Russell Crotty, Sidnea D’Amico, Pablo D’Antoni, Marc D’Estout, Michael Danner, Heather Day, Paz de la Calzada, Lewis deSoto, Christel Dillbohner, John DiPaolo, Chris Dorosz, Kathryn Dunlevie, Jessica Dunne, Doug Edwards, Ken Edwards, David Ellingsen, Nina Else, Mitra Fabian, Beth Fein, Jon Fischer, Kyoko Fischer, Brett Flanigan, Alison Foshee, Elizabeth Fox, Bernadette Jiyong Frank, Lorrie Fredette, Steve French, Betty Friedman, Linda Gass, Ewa Gavrielov, Charles Ginnever, Doug Glovaski, Joseph Goldyne, Annette Goodfriend, Rinat Goren, Bill Gould and Elise Ordorica, Kat Green, Torrie Groening, DK Haas, Sarah HaBa, Diane Andrews Hall, Doug Hall, Ema Harris-Sintamarian, Gale Hart, Taro Hattori, Charlotta Hauksdottir, Victoria Heilweil, Adrienne Heloise, Howard Hersh, Liz Hickok, Lisa Hochstein, Monroe Hodder, Ann Hogle, Seonna Hong, David Huffman, Katina Huston, Karen Gallagher Iverson, Henry Jackson, Patricia Jauch, Pancho Jiménez, Theodora Varnay Jones, Kathryn Kain, Robin Kandel, Pantea Karimi, Dan Keegan, Max Kellenberger, David Kelso, Jenifer Kent, Mike Kimball, Mary Anne Kluth, Lisa Kokin, Evan Kolker, Diane Kreiter, Terry Kreiter, Barbara Kronlins, Charlotte Kruk, Carrie Lederer, Katja Leibenath, Katherine Levin-Lau, LigoranoReese, Jingjing Lin, Bette Linderman, Frank Lobdell, Lola, Michelle Mansour, Amanda Marchand, Kara Maria, Shirley Mariani, Ellen Markoff, Vanessa Marsh, Ken Matsumoto, Tony May, Victoria May, Clive McCarthy and Beth Howe, Lisa McCutcheon, Kerry Vander Meer, Stephanie Metz, Masako Miki, Robert Milnes, Robert Minervini, Mary Mocas, Elise Morris, Tony Mose, Katie Murken, Irene Nelson, Julia Nelson-Gal, Manuel Neri, Sarah Newton, Jann Nunn, Mike Oechsli, Sandra Ono, Kelly Ording, Stas Orlovski, Sandy Ostrau, David Pace, Pace/Wirtz, Francesca Pastine. Gina Pearlin, Yulia Pinkusevich, Carrie Ann Plank, Meghan Pohlod, Silvia Poloto, Carissa Potter, Mel Prest, Hadley Radt, Sofie Ramos, Lucky Rapp, Robert Rauschenberg, Klari Reis, Fanny Retsek, Fernando Reyes, Gustavo Ramos Rivera, Gary Ruddell, William Rushton, Nancy Russell, Byron Ryono, Elizabeth Ryono, Kurt Salinas, Diane Samuels, Greta and Manu Schnetzler, Dana Harris Seeger, Rose Sellery, Donna Sharee, Kate Shaw, Michael Shemchuk, Pat Sherwood, Chris Sicat, Brian Singer, Kim Smith, Robynn Smith, Mary Souza, Susan Spies, Teresa Stanley, Livia Stein, Mark Stock, Inez Storer, Brian Taylor, Ginger Crawford Tolonen, Esther Traugot, Sergio De La Torre and Chris Treggiari, Jeanne Vadeboncoeur, Leo Valledor, Sieglinde Van Damme, Beth Van Hoesen, Barbara Vaughn, Wanda Waldera, Beth Waldman, Margitta Dietrick Welsh and Stan Welsh, Jeff Alan West, Margaret Wherry, Heather Wilcoxon, John Wood, Cheyenne Woodward, Karla Wozniak

Connect & Collect is generously supported by: Heritage Bank of Commerce, The Core Companies, Cloudfall: Trinchero Family Estates and Urban Community. Additional support provided by Aedis Architecture, Eli Thomas for Men, Johanson and Yau Accountancy Corp., Silicon Valley Business Journal, Tony Baxter Picture Framing, and Liz and Richard Waldo.
Auction Committee Members: Chair: Yvonne Hunt, Elaine Cardinale, Rana Davis, Dana Kleiman, Elena Lebedeva, Nicki Moffat, and Kathy Schlepphorst.
Byron Ryono: Polybelisks
In conjunction with the 39th Connect & Collect Auction, artist Byron Ryono has created unique multimedia sculptures to sell as a fundraiser. The proceeds from the sale of these wonderful works will support the ongoing contemporary art programs and exhibitions at the ICA.